Riddles and answers | Part V

Q: You throw away the outside and cook the inside, then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What am I?

A: Corn

Q: With many keys but cannot open a single lock. What am I?

A: Keyboard

Q: Fashion changes but what can a person wear that is never out of style?

A: Smile

Q: What did the thief get for stealing the calendar?

A: 12 months

Q: No matter how smart you are, there is one thing you will always overlook. What am I?

A: Your nose

Q: What has no beginning, no end and nothing in the middle?

A: A donut

Q: If April showers bring mayflower, what do mayflower bring?

A: Pilgrims

Q: How can you drop a raw egg on to a concrete floor without cracking?

A: Concrete floors are hard to crack

Q: How much dirt is in a 10 foot deep hole?

A: None. If there was dirt in a hole, it won't be a hole 

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