Q: What is full of holes but can still hold a lot of water. What am I?

A: Sponge

Q: What kind of a band never plays music. What am I?

A: Rubber band

Q: A blue house has blue bricks, a yellow house has yellow bricks. What is a greenhouse made of?

A: Glass

Q: What travels alone but is never alone, has a name but doesn't exist. What am I?

A: Shadow

Q: A boy fell of a 100 foot ladder but he didn't not get hurt. How?

A: He was on the first step

Q: What type of man cannot live inside a house?

A: Snowmen

Q: When is the top of the mountain similar to a savings account?

A: When it peaks one’s interest

Q: What walks and does not have feet?

A: Yardstick

Q: You can see me in water but I never get wet?

A: Reflection

Q: Longest word in English language?

A: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

Q: I go in dry and come out wet, The longer I'm in, the stronger I get.
What am I?

A: Tea bag