Riddles and answers | Part XXX

Q: If the only frying pan in the house is large enough to cook two pancakes at a time and pancakes take one minute to brown one side. How can you make three pancakes in three minutes?

A: Pour two pancakes and brown the first side after the first side is done, flip one, take the second off and pour the third pancake. After another minute, take the first one off, flip the third one and put the second one back on. Cook both pancakes until it's brown

Q: I have ten or more daughters. I have less than ten daughters. I have at least one daughter. If only one of these statements are true. How many daughters do I have?

A: If I have any daughters, there will always be two statements which are true. Therefore, I have no daughter

Q: You have 14 brown socks, 14 blue socks and 14 black socks in your sock drawer. How many socks must you remove (without looking to be sure) to have a matched pair?

A: Four. You will have a pair of one colour or another

Q: We are five little objects of an everyday sort. You will find us all in a tennis court. What are we?

A: Vowels

Q: A guy was waiting at home, he swings a metal pole then took three left turns and on his way back home there was a masked man waiting for him. What is he doing and who is the masked man?

A: He is playing baseball and the masked man is the catcher

Q: Three mountain climbers paid a lot of money to be the first to scale a mountain. After several days of climbing they finally reached the pinnacle and to their dismay found a cabin and there frozen bodies. Since the mountain climbers were the first to ever climb the summit, how could this be possible?

A: They found a cabin of an airplane that had crashed there with 3 bodies in it

Q: Be you ever so quick with vision keen by your eyes, we never seen, unless perchance it should come to pass, you see our reflection in a looking glass. What are we?

A: You own eyes

Q: What is the difference between a schoolboy studying and a farmer watching his cattle?

A: One is stocking his mind while the other is minding his stock

Q: A man was shot to death while in his car. There was no powder on his clothing, which indicates that the gunman was outside the car. However, all the windows were up and the doors locked, after a close inspection was made, the only bullet-holes discovered were on the man's body. How was he murdered?

A: The victim was in a convertible. He was shot when the top was down

Q: The answer I give is yes but what I mean is no. What was the question?

A: Do you mind?

Q: I am in your phone sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry. I even flip you off from time to time. What am I?

A: An emoji

Q: You talk through me but to someone else. I never forget without your permission. You can't live without me. What am I?

A: Your cell phone

Q: Your mom has four kids. One named north, another called south, and east. What is the last child's name?

A: Your name. It's your mom, your apart of the four

Q: A seven letter word containing thousands of letters. What am I?

A: Mailbox

Q: A man went to In-N-Out with no name. After he ordered food, the cashier said, "ok, what is your name?" the man answered, "max". Then the cashier said, "ok then not to be rude but what is the name of your partner?". What is the name of his partner?

A: No name

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