Brain teasers with answers | Part VII

Q: Two stray dogs are sitting together and talking about their fleas. The first dog says, "we would have the same number of fleas if one of your fleas jumped onto me!"
The second dog then says "and I would have 5 times as many as you if one of your fleas jumped onto me!" can you find how many fleas each dog has?

A: 2 and 4 fleas

Q: What is the largest possible number you write using only 2 numbers just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols?

A: You will use exponentiation

9^9, this is 9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9 or 387,420,489 with exponentiation using just a few numbers

Q: Mr. Rich, a businessman, is leaving on a trip and stops by his office on the  way to the airport, around midnight. The night watchman, Paul stops him and says "Mr. Peter, please don't take the flight. I had a dream last night, a little after midnight, that your plane would crash and everyone would die"

The businessman cancels his trip and sure enough, the plane crashes, no survivors. Mr. Peter gives Paul a 20,000 rewards for saving him, then fires him. Why?

A: Mr. Peter fired Paul, his watchman because last night, he was sleeping on the job!

Q: Mom, dad, and 2 kids have come to a river, where they find a boat. It is small and can carry one adult or 2 kids at a time. Both kids are good rowers but how can the whole family reach the other side of the river?

A: The kids row across.
Then 1 kid comes back.
An adult goes over and the kids come back.
Both kids row across again and one comes back.
Both kids row across again.

Q: The word "f a c e t i o u s l y" contains the six vowels a, e, i, o, u and y, in their alphabetical order. Can you find another English word that does the same?

A: The word is abstemiously. There may be others

Q: John celebrated his birthday on one day and two days later his older twin brother Paul celebrated his birthday. How could this be?

A: When the mother of the twins went into Labour, she was travelling by boat. The older twin Paul was born first, barely on 1st march. The boat then crossed a time zone and the younger twin was born on February the 28th in a leap year

Q: In the back yard there is a hollow stump that contains 6 ears of corn. If a healthy squirrel carries out three ears each day, how many days will it take to empty the stump?

A: Six. Each day the squirrel will carry out the two ears on his head plus one ear of corn

Q: You are in a room with one chair in the centre of the room. The room is to small to lie down in or stand up in. The walls are covered in markings left by desperate men. You will have rats for the company and one window so that you can see the world that has passed you by. How can you survive only one month. Explain?

A: You can't. Because you don't have any food. You would go insane before one month is up. The room wouldn't provide enough oxygen for you and the rats to survive

Q: A man grabbed a woman ring and pulled on it, then dropped it. How did this save her life?

A: They were skydiving and she was unconscious. He pulled the ripcord ring for her and the parachute opened

Q: A school teacher ask his pupils to put in a large certain objects only. Apples and balls are allowed but pencils and flowers aren't. What determines an item can enter?

A: Only objects with a repeated letter are allowed. PP in apples and LL in balls

Q: What does it mean 'VIT_MIN'?

A: Vitamin A deficiency 

Q: What does it mean '_PROGRAM'?

A: Underline program


A: Lost cause

Q: R  O  O  T
     O           O
     O           O
     T  O  O  R

A: Square root

Q: What dies it mean 'JOBINJOB'?

A: In between jobs

Q: Beeeeee

A: Beeline

Q: What does it mean 'WHEATHER'?

A: A bad spell of weather

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