Riddles with answers | Part III

Q: Can you figure out what it means?

A: Ambiguous

Q: Can you figure out what it means
                      Back      back

A: Back to square one

Q: Two bodies have I, though both join in one, the more I stand still the faster I run. What am I?

A: Hourglass

Q: Can you figure out what it means?
             Light       light

A: Neon light

Q: I say everything I hear to others around. I am not an animal nor part of human race. I will immediately repeat after you but only if my tail is in place. What am I?

A: Microphone

Q: Three little letters, a paradox to some. The worse that is, the better it becomes. What am I?

A: Pun

Q: If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what does it become?

A: Wet

Q: What has arms and legs and no head. what am I?

A: Chair

Q: What can run but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps. What am I?

A: River

Q: I am a kind of coat that can only be put on when wet. What am I?

A: Paint

Q: Take away my first letter and I remain the same. Take away my last letter and I remain unchanged. Remove all my letters and I'm still me. What am I?

A: Mailman

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