Riddles and answers | Part XI

Q: What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don't want to use it?

A: An anchor

Q: What is the one thing all men regarding of their politics or religion agree is between heaven and earth?

A: The word 'AND'

Q: What English word has three consecutive double letters?

A: Bookkeeper

Q: Lynn likes grapes but no potatoes. She likes squash but not lettuce and she likes peas but not onion. Following the same rule, will she like pumpkin or apple?

A: Pumpkin. Lynn likes things that grow on vines

Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?

A: A penny

Q: They trickle down, they can tickle too, make you sneeze, comfort you. Their rustling sound you've rarely heard unless you're a pillow or a bird. What are they?

A: They are feathers

Q: When I am filled I can point the way when I am empty nothing moves me, I have two skins one without and one within. What am I?

A: I am a glove

Q: Squeeze me and I cry tears as red as flesh but my heart is made of stone. What am I?

A: Cherry

Q: When you buy me I am costly but the only use I have is just hanging. What am I?

A: Earring

Q: The leaves are on the fruit, the fruit is on the leaves. What is it?

A: Pineapple

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