Good riddles with answers | Part II

Q: Fred is listening to the radio when it suddenly stops playing. Nobody is with Fred and nobody touches the radio. A few seconds later, the radio resumes playing. How can this be?

A: Fred was driving his car through the tunnel

Q: What has face but no head, hands but no feet yet, travels everywhere and is usually running?

A: A watch

Q: What flower would remind you of a certain animal that took a great deal of care about his appearance?

A: A dandelion (dandy lion)

Q: When is a ship at sea not on the water?

A: When she is on fire

Q: Why is a bubble like a bruise?

A: Because it comes from a blow

Q: Why is a ferry like a good rule?

A: Because it works both ways

Q: Where do coal digger play baseball?

A: The minor (miner) league

Q: Why was the chief hired to coach the baseball team?

A: Because he knew how to handle batter

Q: What kind of dogs do scientists have?

A: Labatory retrievers

Q: What can you find in the centre of gravity?

A: The letter 'V'

Q: Why did the tire need vacation?

A: It couldn't take the pressure anymore!

Q: Why isn't the moon a good vacation destination?

A: It lacks atmosphere

Q: Where do pilots keep their personal things?

A: In air pockets

Q: Where do wolves stay on vacation?

A: At a howliday inn

Q: What shoes do frogs wear in the summer?

A: Open toad shoes

Q: Who is the boss in the dairy factory?

A: The big cheese

Q: Why didn't the cow want to go grazing with her friends?

A: She wasn't in the moo-d

Q: What did the firecracker say to the other firecracker?

A: My pop is bigger than your pop

Q: What do geologist do on their free time?

A: Go to rock concerts

Q: How did hikers come across patch of poison ivy?

A: The itch hiked

Q: Why is the moon like a dollar?

A: Because it has four quarters

Q: When is the moon the heaviest?

A: When it is full

Q: Who's fault it will be if California falls into the ocean?

A: San Andreas fault

Q: Who does the ocean date?

A: It goes out with the tide

Q: What is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of elements?

A: The letter 'J'

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