Q: What kind of streets do zombies like?
A: Dead ends
Q: What does a shark eat with peanut butter?
A: Jellyfish
Q: Why did the baby strawberry cry?
A: His parents were in a jam
Q: How does the moon cut his hair?
A: E-clipse it
Q: Why didn't the car feel well?
A: It had gas
Q: In ancient Egypt what music did the mummies like the most?
A: Wrap music
Q: What do you get if you cross a snowmen with a witch?
A: A cold spell
Q: Why didn't the monster eat the crazy person?
A: He was allergic to nuts
Q: How many hairs are in a bunny rabbit's tail?
A: None. They are all outside
Q: When the clocks strike 13, what time is it?
A: Time to get it fixed
Riddles and answers