Riddles and answers | Part XXXIV

Q: Weight in my belly, trees on my back, nail in my ribs, feet I do lack. What am I?

A: A ship

Q: I am a mother and a father but never birth nor nurse. I'm rarely still but I never wander. What am I?

A: I am a tree

Q: What has six legs, two heads, four ears and two hands but walks on four feet?

A: Horse and rider

Q: The higher I climb, the hotter I engage and I cannot escape my crystal cage. What am I?

A: Mercury in a thermometer

Q: I can be written, I can be spoken, I can be exposed and I can be broken. What am I?

A: News

Q: A ship that puts a road in order. What is it?

A: Smoothing iron

Q: Even if you give this to someone else, you still get to keep it. What is it?

A: It is your word

Q: Who is that with a neck and no head, two arms and no hands. What is it?

A: A shirt

Q: I'm red I can be green or yellow. What am I?

A: An apple

Q: Look in my face, I am somebody. Look in my back I am nobody. What am I?

A: I am a mirror

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