Riddles and answers | Part XXXV

Q: I have 4 legs and 1 back yet, I can't walk. What am I?

A: A chair

Q: Round as an apple, deep as a cup and all the king's horses can't pull it up. What is it?

A: A well

Q: I am everything to someone but nothing to everyone else. What am I?

A: The mind

Q: I see without seeing noise in an alley. What am I?

A: A bat

Q: To you rude would I never be, though I flag my tongue for all to see. What am I?

A: A dog

Q: A red cap on my head, a stone in my throat, you tell me the answer, I'll give you a groat. What am I?

A: I am a cherry

Q: I run the city but never move. What am I?

A: A city wall

Q: I am filled with hotness, I don't mind how hot water is. What am I?

A: A hot water bottle

Q: I have endless make-overs but I never know my look. I can make an dull room bright. What am I?

A: A painted wall

Q: What goes down but does not go up?

A: A waterfall

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