Riddles and answers | Part XXII

Q: Why are tooth fairies so smart?

A: They gather a lot of wisdom teeth

Q: What toys do baby snakes take to bed?

A: Their rattles

Q: Why did mama duck scold her gosling?

A: For eating Quakers in bed

Q: Why was the broom late?

A: It over-swept

Q: What do race car driver eat for breakfast?

A: Fast food

Q: What do comedians eat for breakfast?

A: Corny flakes

Q: How does bees get to school in the morning?

A: On the school buzz

Q: What's get whiter the dirtier it get's. What is it?

A: A chalkboard

Q: What is that smells most in a perfume shop?

A: The nose

Q: Why can't the world ever come to an end?

A: Because it's round

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