Q: If your uncle's is not your aunt, what is she to you?
A: Your mother
Q: What changes a pearl into a pear?
A: The letter 'L'
Q: Up and down, up and down, touching neither sky or ground. What is it?
A: A pump handle
Q: How does the best man put his kids to bed?
A: He tux them in
Q: What do you call a spy who sleeps with a blanket over his head?
A: An undercover agent
Q: People need me but they always give me away. What am I?
A: Money
Q: What happen when the rubber duckie fell into the bathtub?
A: It quacked up
Q: What is as big as a hippopotamus but weighs nothing at all?
A: Hippopotamus shadow
Q: What is that which every living person has seen but will never see again?
A: Yesterday
Q: What is always approaching/coming but never arrives?
A: Tomorrow
A: Tomorrow
Q: What do you call a little bear who never takes a bath?
A: Winnie-the-phew
Q: How did the pancake hurt itself?
A: Doing back flips
Riddles with answers