Q: Where does a rabbit go for a shampoo?
A: To a hare-dresser
Q: Why was the plumber so tired?
A: He was drained
Q: What's the first thing a dolphin learns at school?
A: Her a-b-seas
Q: How do veterinarians swim laps?
A: They dog paddle
Q: Where do jellyfish sleep?
A: In tent-acles
Q: What's a lifeguard favourite game?
A: Pool
Q: What does a slice of toast wear to bed?
A: Jam-mies
Q: Why did the radish turn red?
A: It saw the salad dressing
Q: Why did the golfer change his socks?
A: He had a hole-in-one
Q: What has 88 teeth but never brush them?
A: A piano
Q: What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
A: A carrot
Riddles and answers