Christmas riddles with answers

Q: Why are Christmas trees bad at knitting?

A: Because they always drop their needles

Q: Why do mummies like Christmas so much?

A: Because of all the wrapping

Q: What does a snowman like to eat for breakfast?

A: Frosted  flakes

Q: Which one of Santa's reindeer is the fastest?

A: Dasher

Q: Where does a snowman keep his money?

A: In a snowbank

Q: What do you call a snowmen in the summer?

A: Puddle

Q: What do Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she looked up in the sky?

A: Looks like rain-dear

Q: Which one of Santa's reindeer can you see outer space?

A: Comet

Q: What do elves learn in school?

A: The efl-abet

Q: Why is Santa so good at karate?

A: Because he has a black belt

Q: My name starts with 'rain' and ends with the first letter of my name. I get mistaken for another thing a lot. I am usually present in children stories. I am usually flying in mid-air too. What am I?

A: Santa's deer

Q: Which one of Santa's reindeer can be seen on valentines day?

A: Cupid

Q: What does Santa do in his garden?

A: Ho ho ho!

Q: Where does Christmas comes before Thanksgiving?

A: In the dictionary

Q: What says now you see me, now you don't. What says now you see me, now you dont?

A: Snowman in a crosswalk

Q: Did you hear about dyslexic Satanist?

A: He sold his soul to Santa

Q: What do you get when you cross Santa and a duck?

A: A Christmas quacker

Q: What nationality is Santa?

A: North-polish

Christmas riddles with answers
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