Brain teasers with answers | Part II

Q: Where there is no south, west, north, east, and weather no fit for man or beast?

A: The south pole

Q: What does it mean 'BJAOCKX'?

A: Jack in the box (B_ _O_ _X)

Q: T

A: Downtown

Q: What can point in every direction but can't reach the destination by itself?

A: Your finger

Q: What does it mean 'JUS144TICE'?

A: Gross injustice

Q: What does it mean 'WOHNICLEE'?

A: Once in a while (_O_N_C_E_)

Q: Pregnant every time you see her yet, she will never give birth?

A: Full moon

Q: What does it mean 'EXIT LEG'?

A: Out on a limb


A: Fuss over nothing

Q: What does it mean '9ALL5'?

A: All in a day's work

Q: What does it mean 'FLUBADENCE'?

A: Bad influence

Q: When is the best time to have lunch?

A: After breakfast

Q: What does it mean 'MOMANON'?

A: Man in the moon

Q: A man was born in 1898. He is still alive now at the age of 33. How is this possible?

A: He was born in room 1898

Q: What does it mean '(STEAK)^3'?

A: Cubed steak

Q: R

A: Syrup

Q:          BIG BIG


A: Too big to ignore

Q: My first is high, my second is damp, my whole a tie, a writer's cramp?

A: Hyphen

Q: What does it mean 'DICE DICE'?

A: Pair of dice

Q: When is a baby not a baby?

A: When it's a little cross

Q: A house full of meat, no door to go in and eat. What am I?

A: Nut

Q: What does it mean 'UP 8'?

A: Up before 8

Q: What does a cloud wear under their raincoat?

A: Thunderware

Q: What does it mean 'TNMN^2'?

A: Tiananmen square

Q: Why was the student homework in his father's handwriting?

A: Because the student borrow his father pen

Q: What does it mean 'PPOD'?

A: Two peas in a pod

Q: What does it mean 'FILE'?

A: Single file

Q: 1.
     2. BLAME
     3. BLAME

A: No one to blame

Q: What does it mean 'scope'?

A: Microscope

Q: What does it mean 'PLAY short'?

A: Play shortstop

Q: What does it mean 'PDOIVOEL'?

A: Dive in a pool

     LIKE .........

A: Like there is no tomorrow


A: 5 feet underground

Q:What does it mean 'ACRIML'?

A: Criminal


A: Mind over matter

Q: U

A: It's up to you

Q: What does it mean 'ENDEND'?

A: Make ends meet

Q: What does it mean 'SOMething'?

A: The start of something big

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