Brain teasers with answers | Part I

Q:What does it mean 'CHAWHOWHORGE'?

A: Who's in charge (2 who is who's and in charge)

Q: Where on earth do the winds always blow from south?

A: The north pole

Q: What does it mean 'T2222'?

A: Tea for two (T four 2)

Q: What's the greatest worldwide use of cowhide?

A: To cover cows

Q:  0

A: 3 degrees below 0

Q: Who spends the day at the window goes to the table for meals and hides at night?

A: A fly

Q: What does it mean 'it T 2 TO T'?

A: It takes two to tango

Q:What does it mean 'WORL'?

A: World without an end

Q: Some say we are red, some say we are green. Some play us, some spray us. What are we?

A: Pepper

Q: What does it mean 'AGE AGE AGE'?

A: Middle age

Q: What kind of a can opener never need a ca-opener?

A: A pelican

Q: Holding two lone poles, five fellows chase a heard of white buffalo into a cave?

A: Eating rice with a pair of chopstick


A: Bring on the dancing girls

Q: What does it mean 'BUSINES'?

A: Unfinished business

Q: About the size of a squash, he robs the whole village?

A: A rat

Q: What does it mean 'VISION VISION'?

A: Double vision

Q: What does it mean 'DO12OR'?

A: A foot in the door


A: Forgive & forget (four give & four get)

Q: What does it mean '1 KNOWS'?

A: Won by a nose

Q: It has rib bones and backbones, it swallows humans being whole, then spits them out alive?

A: A house

Q: What does it mean?


A: I see you understand

Q: I am a word that hardly there. Take away my start and I'm a herbal flair. What am I?

A: Sparsely (parsley)

Q: What does it mean 'O_ER_T_O_'?

A: Painless operation

Q: How many bathrooms are there in the entire world?

A: Two men and girl bathroom

Q: What does it mean 'ROOD'?

A: Back door

Q: What does it mean 'ME1111ONEONE'?

A: Me before everyone 

Q: What does it mean 'NO WAYS IT WAYS'?

A: No two ways about it


A: Pair of pants


A: Highway overpass

Q:What does it mean 'BOOK going'?

A: Going by the book

Q:  GI

A: Gi overseas

Q: What does it mean 'SPLOASTCE'?

A: Lost in space
Q: What does it mean 'blouse C'?

A: See through blouse

Q: What does it mean 'HE'S / HIMSELF'?

A: He's beside himself

Q: What does it mean 'ECNALG'?

A: Backward glance

Q:          K

A: Raise a big stink

Q: What does it mean 'ie.'?

A: That is beside the point

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