Brain teasers with answers | Part IV

Q: A train leaves a station and enters a tunnel. Where is the best place for a claustrophobic person to sit?

A: In the back. See the train is still accelerating as it is leaving the station so the train will be moving faster when the back of the train enters the tunnel

Q: Three cars had driven into a parking lot at the same time and three drivers left them all for the attendant to park. Unfortunately, he isn't too good at remembering exactly which driver drove which car. However, he is sure of these 6 fact's:  a) colin drove the BMW if and only if Mr. Cooper drove the avenger  b) Alan drove the Cortina if only if Mr. Cooper drove the BMW  c) colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Mr. Andrews drove the BMW  d) Brian is Mr. Andrews if and only if Colin drove the BMW e) Mr. Cooper drove the avenger if and only if Alan is Mr. Brown  f) colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Alan drove Cortina. Who arrived with which car?

A: Brian drove the BMW, Alan Andrew drove the avenger and colin cooper drove the Cortina

Q: Alice is walking through the forest of forgetfulness. She wants to know what day of the week it is. She stops and asks a lion and a unicorn. Now, the lion lies all the time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The unicorn always lies on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Alice asks the lion what day it is, he says "well, yesterday was one of my lying days". Alice can't figure it out just from the lion's answer so she asks the unicorn and the unicorn says "yesterday was one of my lying days". What day is it?

A: Thursday

Q: A sharpshooter hung up his hat and put on a blindfold. He then walked 100 yards, turn around and shot a bullet through his hat. The blindfold was a perfectly good one, completely blocking the man's vision. How did he manages this?

A: He hung his hat on the barrel of the gun

Q: The king dies and two men, the true heir and an impostor both claim to be his long-lost son. Both fit the description of the rightful heir: about the right age, height, colouring and general appearance. Finally, one of the elders proposes a test to identify the true heir. One man agrees to the test while the other flatly refuses. The one who agrees is immediately sent on his way and one who refuses is correctly identified as the rightful heir. Can you figure out why?

A: The test was a blood test. The elder remembered that the true prince was haemophiliac

Q: What word starting with BR that with the addition of the letter e, becomes another word that sounds the same as the first?

A: Braking becomes breaking

Q: Two convicts are locked in a cell. There is an unbarred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed or on top of the other they can't reach the widow to escape. They then decide to tunnel out. However, they give up with the tunnelling because it will take too long. Finally one of the convicts figures out how to escape from the cell. What is his plan?

A: His plans is to dig the tunnel and pile up the dirt to climb up to the window to escape

Q: A horse travel a certain distance each day, strangely enough, two of it's legs travel 30 miles each day and the other two legs nearly 31 miles. It would seem that two of the horse's legs must one mile ahead of the other two legs but of course, this can't be true. Since the horse is normal. How is this situation possible?

A: The horse operates a mill and travels in a circular clockwise direction. The two outside legs will travel a greater distance than the two inside legs.

Q: Pictures three boxes containing fruit. The first box is marked peaches, the second is marked oranges and the third is marked peaches and oranges. Each of the boxes is labelled incorrectly how could you label each box correctly if you were allowed to select only fruit from on of the boxes?

A: First, you select a fruit from the box marked peaches and oranges. If it was a orange you selected, you know that the box could only contain oranges. If it was a peach, you know that the box could only contain peaches since each box is incorrectly marked

Q: You are on an island in the middle of a lake. The lake is in remote part of the country and there  has never been a bridge connecting the island to the mainland. Every day a tractor and wagon gives hay ides around the island. Puzzled as to how the tractor had gotten onto the island, you asked around and find out that the tractor was not transported to the island by a boat or by air nor was built on the island. Explain how the tractor got there?

A: It was driven over in winter when the lake was frozen

Q: Mr. And Mrs. Smith were walking home from shopping mall with their purchases when Mr. Smith began to complain that his load was too heavy. Mrs. Smith turned to her husband and said, "I don't know what your complaining about because if you gave me one of your parcels, I would have twice as many as you and if I gave you just one of mine, we would have equals loads". How many parcels was each carrying?

A: Mrs. Smith was carrying seven parcels and Mr. Smith was carrying five.

Q: Two cars were involved in an accident in the centre of town. The man was driving a little green car, had overtaken a big black car. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the oncoming traffic and had to swerve back in, causing the black car to swerve and crash into a shop window. When the occupants of the cars were examined everyone  in the green car was okay but in the black car was one dead man. However, the driver of the green car was not charged with manslaughter, why was this so?

A: The black car was a hearse and was on it's way to a funeral

Q: My first is often at the front door. My second is found in the cereal family. My third is what most people want. My whole is one of the united states?

A: Matrimony (mat + rye + money) matrimony is certainly a "united state".

Q: If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or braking the bottle?

A: Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out

Q: A rubber is tossed off the top of a 90 foot building. Every time it bounces, it goes back up half the way. How many bounces will the ball take before it stops?

A: The answer is infinite, in a gravity free world but of course gravity will eventually stop it.

Q: If you tossed a dice and it comes up with the number one 9 times in a row, what is the probability that it will come up with one on the next throw?

A: One in six. A dice has no memory of what it last showed

Q: T

A: Touchdown

Q: What does it mean 'MIL1LION'?

A: Once in a million


A: Split level

Q: What does it mean 'MOONCEON'?

A: Once in a blue moon


A: First lady

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