Q: What does it mean 'I I I/O O O'?
A: Circles under eyes
Q: Carlos was out walking one day. He met his father-in-law's only daughter's mother-in-law. What did Carlos call her?
A: He called her mom
Q: George, Helen, and Steve drinking coffee. Bart, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?
A: Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The letter 'E' appears twice in her name, as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee
Q: 5 trumps 2, 0 trumps 2, and 2 trumps 5. Explain why?
A: Rock, paper, scissor
Q: We are a pair, we can dart here and there, though we always stay in one place. We can smile or shed tears, show our pleasure or fears and you'll find us on everyone's face. What are we?
A: Two eyes
Q: What does it mean 'RIGHT = RIGHT'?
A: Equal rights
Q: If the day before yesterday is the 23rd, then what is the day after tomorrow?
A: The 27th
Q: Two women and two doctors walk into an ice cream Parlour. They each order an ice cream cone. When their ice creams come, there is only one strawberry, one chocolate, and one vanilla. How come they didn't complain?
A: One of the women was a doctor
Q: A hiker comes to a fork in the road and doesn't know which way to go to reach his destination. There are two men at the fork, one of whom always tells the truth while the other always lies. The hiker doesn't know which is which, though he may ask one of the men only one question to find his way. Which man does he ask and what is the question?
A: Either man should be asked the following question: "if I were to ask you if this the way i should go, would you say yes ?" while asking the question, the hiker should be pointing at either of the directions going from the fork
Q: There are eight people who like each other? Rhonda likes Jim. Tom likes Amber. Cameron likes Britney. Will likes Katie. They all know that they're liked by at least someone. The question is, who is loved?
(hint: think about the words in the statement)
A: No one is loved, they're just liked
Q: How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?
A: Gone (Add the letter 'G')
Q: How can you clasp someone's hands together in such a manner that they cannot leave the room without unclasping them?
A: Put their hands around a stationary object in the room, which will keep them leaving the room unless they open their hands
Q: Why is nine afraid of seven?
A: Seven eight(ate) nine
Q: What letters will go into the question mark?
Teloiv Ogidni Eulb ? Wolley Egnaro Der
A: Neerg (Green)
Q: Suppose you want to send in the mail a valuable object to a friend. You have a box which which is big enough to hold the object. The box has a locking ring which is large enough to have a lock attached and you have several locks with keys. However, your friend does not have the key to any lock that you have. You cannot send the key in an unlock box since it may be stolen or copied how do you send the valuable object, locked to your friend - so it may be opened by your friend?
A: Send the box with a lock attached and locked. Your friend attaches his or her own lock and sends the box back to you. You removed your lock and send it back to your friend. Your friend may then remove the lock she or he put on and opens the box.
Q: What two (2) words combined hold the most letters?
A: Post office
Q: What does it mean 'YGOLOHCYSP'?
A: reverse psychology
Q: R
A: Crossroads
Q: What does it mean 'ROOD'?
A: Back door
Q: What does it mean 'T'?
A: Green tea
A: Travel overseas
A: Growing economy
Q: What does it mean 'EMPLOY---T'?
A: Men out of employment
Brain teasers