Funny riddles with answers | Part I

Q: What does a mathematics enthusiast mermaid wear?

A: Algae-bra

Q: What are ghost's favourite pants to wear?

A: Boo-jeans

Q: What do you call an out of work ghost?

A: Lazy bones

Q: What type of bean is a cannibals favourite to eat?

A: Human being

Q: What do ghost's like to do on a Saturday night?

A: Boogie

Q: What kind of a makeup is a ghost's favourite to wear?

A: Mas-scare-a

Q: Knock, knock! Who's there? Ivan. Ivan who?

A: Ivan to suck your blood

Q: How do spiders communicate?

A: Through the worldwide web

Q: How do mummies hide?

A: They wear mask in tape

Q: Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?

A: He did not have a current haunting license

Q: What tops off a ghost's ice scream Sunday?

A: Whipped scream

Q: What do call unhappy cranberries?

A: Blueberries

Q: If there are four sheep, two dogs and one herds-men, how many feet are there?

A: Two. Sheep have hooves, dogs have paws and only people have feet

Q: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?

A: It takes a long time for them to swallow their pride

Q: What does an aardvark like on his pizza?

A: Ant-chovies

Q: How did the hipster burn his tongue?

A: He sipped his coffee before it was cool

Q: T traveller came to the riverside with a donkey bearing a obelisk but he did not venture to ford the tide, for he had too good an*. What is the missing word?

A: Asterisk = ass to risk

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