Riddles and answers | Part XXV

Q: What song was the baseball player singing on the third base?

A: There is no place like home

Q: Why do skeletons go on vacations alone?

A: Because they have no-body to go with

Q: How do rabbits travel?

A: By hare-plane

Q: Why was the pig a bad teammate?

A: He was a ball of hog

Q: Where do rivers sleep?

A: In the river beds

Q: What do the two dolphin say after not seeing each other for a long time?

A: Long time no sea

Q: A sphere has three, a circle has two and a point has zero. What is it?

A: Dimensions

Q: Why did snap, crackle, and pop get scared?

A: They heard there was a cereal killer on the loose

Q: What instrument can be heard but not seen?

A: Your voice 

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