Riddles with answers | Part XII

Q: Why is a pencil like a riddle?

A: It's no good without a point

Q: What is it that give one, you'll have either two or none?

A:  A choice

Q: What measures our time, until in time all is smashed to it?

A: Sand

Q: When is a door not a door?

A: When it is a jar

Q: What is it that is full all-day and empty at night?

A: Shoes

Q: What is the difference between a jeweller and jailer?

A: A jeweller sells watches and jailer watches cells

Q: A person was in jail, all he had in his cell was a piano yet, he manage to escape. How?

A: He played the piano until he found the right key

Q: What music cows like to dance to?

A: Cow-lypso (calypso) music

Q: What is the most romantic part about the ocean?

A: When the buoy meets the gull

Q: The hand sows and the eyes harvest?

A: To read and to write

Q: What goes further the slower it goes?

A: Money

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