Riddles and answers | Part XXXIX

Q: At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me women may laugh or sometimes weep. What am I?

A: Music

Q: I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn around again, what is in will not get out. What am I?

A: Key

Q: I never was, am always to be, no one ever saw me nor ever will and yet I am the confidence of all to live and breath on this terrestrial ball. What am I?

A: Tomorrow

Q: What can be swallowed but also swallow you?

A: Air

Q: Die without me, never thank me. Walk right through me, never feel me, always watching, never speaking. Always lurking, never seen. What am I?

A: Twelve

Q: When asked how old she was Suzie replied: "in two years I will be twice as old as I was 5 years ago". How old is she?

A: Mirror

Q: There is one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. What is it?

A: Boxing

Q: First I am dried then I am wet, the longer I swim, the more taste you get. What am I?

A: Tea

Q: What day would yesterday be if Thursday was 4 days before the day after tomorrow?

A: Friday

Q: You have me today, tomorrow you'll have more, as your time passes, I'm not easy to store, I don't take up spaces, I am what you saw but not what you see. What am I?

A: Memories

Q: I am made for one but meant for two, I can be worn for many years but usually just a few, you won't ever need unless you say you do. What am I?

A: Wedding ring

Q: Why are people in the jail the slowest talkers ever?

A: They can spend 25 years on a single sentence

Q: A horse jumps over a tower and the tower disappears. It's not an illusion or a dream. So where could this happen?

A: Chessboard

Q: Why can't you trust the "law of gravity"?

A: Always let you down

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